1928 Prayer Book Alliance is dedicated to preserving and promoting the traditional 1928 Book of Common Prayer (BCP). As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our mission. Your donations help us increase the use and awareness of this classic prayer book. We greatly appreciate any amount you can give, whether it's a check sent today, a gift in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for a special event or prayer granted.
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Support the preservation and promotion of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer with a monthly donation to sustain our educational and outreach initiatives.
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Your tax-deductible gift will help the 1928 Prayer Book Alliance meet daily expenses, upgrade technology, purchase equipment, and publish and distribute 1928 BCPs. Press a DONATE button on this page, and use your credit card or PayPal. If you prefer to mail your donation, send your check to the 1928 Prayer Book Alliance mailing address:
1928 Prayer Book Alliance
P.O. Box 234
Wells, ME 04090
Ask your financial advisor for the best ways to support 1928 Prayer Book Alliance programs and activities.