ETF Moves Forward with New Name
1928 Prayer Book Alliance

After months of deliberation and discussion, the ETF Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting in May approved a change in name from Episcopalians for Traditional Faith (ETF) to 1928 Prayer Book Alliance. The name re-emphasizes our purpose, to maintain and increase use of the classic 1928 Book of Common Prayer (BCP). The word "Alliance" defines our intention to work with other traditionalist Anglican churches, organizations, and individuals who share our ideals. Our purpose, centered on the scripture-based 1928 BCP, remains as it has been since ETF's founding in 2002.
Some Episcopalians stay in a church they believe has become antithetical to scripture. They remain in their disintegrating home parishes, clinging to the wreckage, bearing witness to the faith that surely will survive despite all efforts to abolish it. Those fortunate enough to live within driving distance of a 1928 Episcopal parish choose to worship there, practicing religion based on the Word of God.
Others have left The Episcopal Church as a matter of conscience, and now attend Anglican churches that worship with the 1928 BCP, as all Episcopal parishes once did. Millions have left the church they say "left us," to join an Anglican continuing church, the Roman Catholic church, or another denomination. Still others have become unchurched, a terribly sad state that goes against everything Christ demanded of his followers - to spread the gospel throughout all nations. It is our goal to make the 1928 BCP available to all who wish to worship as they believe, in the beauty of holiness.
The Book of Common Prayer was introduced by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1549, and the 1928 version of this book is in our hands today. Yesterday, Cranmer's birthday, we launched our new 1928 Prayer Book Alliance website. Please take a look. What's old is new, and often new things might have a glitch or two. If you spot anything you think should be fixed on the website or elsewhere, please let us know.