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From Sublime to Ridiculous

Since our founding 16 years ago, The 1928 Prayer Book Alliance has been reporting and commenting on the destruction of the Episcopal Church by revisionists and their busybody sidekicks. This week, lifelong Episcopalian Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News Channel, asked The Rev. Alex Dyer of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Washington, DC if the revisionists' left-wing activism has caused the collapse of a once-great Church.

LifeSite News reported last week that the Diocese of Washington D. C. had voted on a resolution proposed by Dyer to eliminate"gendered" references to God in prayer books.

This emasculation of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost would presumably be presented in a new prayer book to be considered by Episcopal General Convention in July. Rites I and II, foisted in 1979 on an Episcopal laity that, according to a Gallup poll conducted at the time, emphatically did not want them. If these "new" prayer books, ungainly in bulk and verbiage, put you off your feed, wait until you see the impending gibberish being scribbled by the latest committee in charge of stamping out the last vestige of religion from the Book of Common Prayer.

Those interested in salvation for themselves and others can still find the way in the scripture-based 1928 Book of Common Prayer, available for purchase on this website's SHOP Page.

This time-tested liturgy, -- beautiful, ancient, and true -- is in wide use throughout the Anglican Communion today. Only the Episcopal Church, which introduced it in the United States, spurns it.

When I ask someone, "Why don't they want us to use it? What are they afraid of?" The answer is often "The truth."-- jm

Begin the Lord's Prayer with "Our parent . . . "? I don't think He would be pleased. -- jm

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