Anglican Church in America (ACA) Consecrates Alexander Henderson Webb

The Very Reverend Canon Alexander Henderson (Hendy) Webb was consecrated to the episcopate of the Anglican Church in America (ACA) on February 18 at St. Patrick's Church in Milford, NewHampshire. “Bishop Webb served his parish church, St. Luke’s of Amherst, Massachusetts, the ACA Diocese of the Northeast, and the national church with distinction for several years,” said ACA Presiding Bishop Brian Marsh.
The ancient, reverent rite of the laying on of hands as a confirmation of the apostolic succession was performed by Bishops Brian Marsh, Chandler Jones, Juan Garcia, and George Langberg. After the service of Consecration, Bishop Webb’s home parish, St. Luke’s of Amherst,held a reception, which featured some mild roasting of the honoree and a sheet cake topped withan elaborate mitre fashioned of buttercream frosting.
Bishop Webb was born in 1951 and raised in Southern New York State. He was educated at Amherst College (Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Arts), The General Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity), Antioch University (Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology and Doctor of Psychology [all but dissertation]), and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family Therapy). He was ordained Deacon in 1978 and Priest in 1979 in the Episcopal Church.
He served congregations in Massachusetts and New Hampshire before moving to ACA in 2011. He is Rector of St. Luke’s and was Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of the Northeast, ACA. He is Dean of the New Hampshire Deanery, a member of the Board of Examining Chaplains, and a delegate to the ACA Executive Council and National Synod. He served as dean of Logos House of Theological Studies, Ellsworth, Maine, and later as interim dean and president. He has taught courses in ethics and moral theology, and has mentored Logos House students.