Truth, Not Trendiness, Inspires the 1928 Book of Common Prayer

The generosity of 1928 Prayer Book Alliance supporters enables us to extend our grass-roots Prayer Book movement farther and wider than ever before. For example, in the last quarter of 2016, we sold as many prayer books as we did in the whole of 2015. We now publish and distribute two editions of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer: The classic Episcopal Church version, and the new Anglican Church in America (ACA) version, the only difference being the addition of an inspirational Foreword by ACA Presiding Bishop Brian R. Marsh.
The people of the Church have spoken. Churches that force unchristian “prayers,” infantile songs, and pagan tree-worship on their parishioners are losing their members more quickly than you can say “Robinson,” while churches that stand firm for a liturgy that’s ancient, true, and beautiful are filling their pews with worshipers of all ages.
During 2016 and the first half of 2017, we’ve continued to develop our online presence with our website that offers articles and opinion pieces on the Church and its liturgy and makes it easy to order books and make donations. We send emails celebrating holy days and other special occasions. We’ve ventured into social media to reinforce the message we send to you: In the 1928 Book of Common Prayer we find our enduring faith, culture, and means to exercise our freedom of religion as we choose.
Let us hear from you. On this website, you can write an email to us. Or send an email to
Please help us continue to reach Episcopalians and other Anglicans with the comforting, challenging words of the Bible-based 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Please click DONATE and send a gift today through PayPal or with your own credit card. Every donation helps us to spread the Word of God far and wide through the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
Click SHOP to order 1928 Prayer Books today for yourself and your church.